Ill start with the topic of racial reconciliation, which has often cast a shadow on the profession of officers like me. Since cessationism dominated the hour I had with Matt, the specifics of the false teachers were never discussed in that meeting, but I did leave the list and the examples with him and he assured me he would look at them and consider what I had to say. James 2:1 My brethren, do not hold your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ with an attitude of personal favoritism. Verse 9, But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the Law as transgressors.. So this post is not written with anger or bitterness but with sadness and concern. Mike Cosper, has been on TVCs podcast, wrotean articlecondemning McKinney officer Casebolt who arrested a girl for refusing to leave a pool party (trespassing) after the HOAs security officer had asked her to leave and after he also had asked her to leave several times. Chandler is an anti-abortion pastor who once comparedrape victims to Hitler. Read the full report at Christianity Today. Chandler is saying that the rule of law must be obeyed in regards to Officer Wilson, but not Michael Brown. They spoke about fear when they see blue and red lights. But you made the only decision that is going to eventually give you any peace. Megachurch Pastor on Leave of Absence After Messages with Woman Were Found to Have 'Crossed a Line' Matt Chandler is taking a leave of absence from ", Hinkleys case has raised questions of how the Village Church handles abuse claims and about the church membership model known as covenant membership.. Now I want to give credit where its due, Matt said a lot of very positive things about first responders and I do believe he honestly sought to create understanding and empathy for first responders in this service, but it still came with some frustrating caveats. I didnt ask that they side with police, and nor would I want him to if the police were proven to be wrong, I simply asked that they wait until all the facts are in before making assumptions. "Please know that we are reaching out to Karen and giving her this apology, and we have also made the decision to move forward in releasing her from membership. Scripture couldnt be clearer. Washington Post study about race and police shootings, Washington State University study about race and police shootings, Study about use of force regarding Dallas police, Facts about race and the criminal justice system, Study about unarmed black men and police shootings. Im mourning just the death of these men andmany others. Dont email me. She asked that they include positive police resources as they recommend books, articles, documentaries online. Entire livelihoods can be destroyed by the circulation of just one unsubstantiated claim, if its juicy enough (just ask Naboth;1 Kings 21:814). Perhaps the biggest concern of all is the apparent mission drift.

Did Matt Chandler even know? Hinkley, who no longer considers herself a member of the Village Church, had asked its elders to leave her alone. Actually we began to step away about the time that you wrote this article although we are just reading this for the first time tonight. I want to re-emphasize that this post was not written to bash Matt Chandler or anyone else at TVC, but I want others to know what our experience was there so that perhaps they can avoid many of the heartaches and frustrations that we experienced if they are considering making TVC their church home, or if they are currently considering removing their membership as well. That in itself, is part of the attraction to his ministry because it is rooted and practiced in truth. This (unfortunately) plays right into the hands and mindset of Matt Chandler and his cronies. He was a college student heading home from closing his fathers shop he worked at. In late December, the Village Church learned from SIM of Roots admission of a child porn addiction and Hinkleys concerns that he may have molested children, according to an email to Hinkley from Richard Brindley, a minister at the churchs Dallas Northway campus, where the couple had previously attended. That could have been me, so that provokes a great deal of fear in my heart. This is not meant to bash TVC, or any of their staff or members. ugh Now I have a second reason to distrust Matt Chandler and his wayward teachings. Too many of themcan easily be left out of a face to face conversation. He has also served as president of the church-planting network Acts 29 for the past 10 years.

I will pray that God leads you to a place where He is glorified and the politics of the world are left to the world. First, they displayed the names and pictures of the 5 murdered officers. The water remained pretty calm for about 2 months. Pastor chooses to lay aside ordination/ask for release from ordained office (G-2.0507); 3. When a Pastor sticks to teaching the word of God, verse by verse, the focus will be on Christ and the unity of the church. If reconciliation is to be had it will only be had when we realize that we are all sinners in need of a Savior and we unite as brothers and sisters at the foot of the cross, not in forcing multi-culturalism, checking our privilege or counting grievances. Leaving because a group (even an influential group) is asking for your resignation is not engaging the process and not honoring the people who have committed to follow you as pastor. On the morning of 7/7/16, we immediately reached out to Matt & Lauren with our frustrations and requested a meeting to discuss them. Also, he was an educator with no record. Its personal to me also because I have dear friends who are cops. When any minister shall tender the resignation of his pastoral charge to his Presbytery, the Presbytery shall cite the church to appear by its commissioners, to show cause why the Presbytery should or should not accept the resignation. Editor's note: This story has been updated to include the Village Church's email about apologizing to Hinkley and releasing her from membership. The grievance industry that exists today was manufactured for a reason spreading hate and pitting people against each other at every turn in life; getting people to follow their badly skewed ideas of social justice which in reality is meant to spread hate, anger, and criminal activity in order to cause chaos in our cities! The breakdown between Hinkley and the Village Church may mean she cant go back to the mission field. Shortly after these concerns sprouted up TVC began its membership renewal process which allowed me to schedule a meeting to express my concerns. Hinkley disputed any claim that she violated the churchs membership covenant. The panelists were all black staff members and a black deaconess. The organization released a statement to USA TODAY on Tuesday: "The elders of The Village Church decided that Matts leave of absence would be from We get the question from a Even though church leaders have not always immediately informed the congregation of allegations of abuse, they have informed all the staff, including church security personnel, Chandler said. Its a long-term commitment where believers look more like they do in a family and less like the consumeristic membership characterized by many churches, said Jonathan Leeman, editorial director at 9Marks, a ministry that promotes covenant membership and other similar practices. I would love to hear your thoughts and know what research you conducted on that. TVCs own JT English jumped in on condemning him. He condemned a Spring Valley High school officer for subduing an unruly high school girl who was attempting to assault him. One of the truths that needs to be faced is that BLM is funded and instigated by the likes of George Soros to cause division and undermine the U.S. You left out much you wished to share for fear many would not read it due to its length but I wish you hadnt. We have failed to do that, he said. We were once again grieved because they had once again made a snap judgment about the intentions of officers involved in a shooting, essentially calling them racists. Calling the actions "unguarded and unwise," Chandler said he agreed with the assessment from the elders and was grateful for their spiritual oversight. None were police. When someone explained the number of shots to Chandler, he then deflects once again and says, OK but would his body have been left uncovered for hours? He is absolutely determined to find racism in Officer Wilsons actions, no matter what. She wanted to speak to him directly because no one had even acknowledged if they had received our messages from the day before. I know someone who left that church because other cars wouldnt stop and let her out of parking lot. From the Christian perspective, it would be great to see if TVC will respond to this, as I am sure it will cross their path. Webhow to answer what don't you like about me; benefits of prayer according to the bible; mark and sarah benton When we have sinnedwe want to own our sin and ask for forgiveness., Ironically, Root was not placed under church discipline, since he has begun to walk in repentance and willingly submitted to the direction of his pastors, the church said in an email to the congregation.

Its a hard week. We ended our meeting with the request that he and other staff members in the church would simply refrain from jumping to conclusions about future police headlines. Just repeating unsubstantiated information about someone, put on the same moral level as premeditated murder?. Hinkley reported that Root had allegedly violated SIMs child safety protection policy in late 2014, George Salloum, SIMs vice president of finance and operations, confirmed to CT. The Village Church wants to extend the scandalous grace of the gospel to anyone who repents, even those that society deems unworthy of forgiveness, he said. WebA churchs youth pastor was forced to resign after she complained about a new pastor who acted inappropriately. First, thank you for your service as a Police Officer.

Karens a victim. When I think about how badly he dropped the ball here as an elder in charge of her care it grieves me all over again. I pray you seek understanding and would not ignore harsh realities that unfortunately plague our country. Theres a passage of Scripture concerning the harmfulness of gossip and slander that I would imagine is easily overlooked because of where its found in the canon. Serious division is starting to show up in the church. Perhaps he was racially profiled, and if so thats certainly horrible, but my training and experience with traffic stops told me that there was no hard evidence that race played a factor at all, from what I gathered in his story. 6Andthe tongue is a fire, a world of unrighteousness. Anyone accused of abuse must sign in with church staff, and be chaperoned at all times. Now setting aside the implications that the officers in both the Sterling and Castile cases were guilty of racist murder, did you catch what he said before that? For the most part they were very receptive and understanding of our concerns, and even mentioned that we were by no means the first people to express such concerns to them. We will continue to support her financially through August as we committed, and our hope and prayer for her is that God would guide her to another gospel-believing church, where she can find healing and restoration. Its really a pity that Chanddler and TVC are going down that path. Many years ago, my church did a Bible study based on Matt Chandlers book The Explicit Gospel.

Driscoll helped found Mars Hill Church in Washington state, where he had a long history of misconduct. Pastors Matt Chandler and Josh Patterson sat down Hinkley last week to apologize for the steps the Village Church took to discipline her after she annulled her marriage to Jordan Root, a former missionary fired for viewing child porn. New revelations will require increased accountability, but pastor wants to look to the future. Its awful to realize that this war on race was started by 0bama. I met Matt in his office and brought with me a list of the false teachers I believed the church had been partnering with or promoting, including specific examples of their teachings or beliefs that were unbiblical. One of the biggest problems I see with the church sliding down the slippery slope of the social gospel is that it ends up dividing the church. Their arrest numbers square with what CRIME VICTIMS have reported. "He told the congregation he didn't think he'd done anything wrong, and the DMing was not a secret. The Village Church plans to audit its policies and practices when it comes to child protection and church discipline in the weeks to come, Chandler said. Of course racism was the reason for the arrest in their eyes even though dozens of other black people left when they were asked to and were not arrested. So also the tongue is a small member, yetit boasts of great things. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. She was grieving. To share this article with your friends, use any of the social share buttons on our site, or simply copy the link below. 2) We have been in contact with many other first responder families at TVC, mostly police families, and we want to put our full experience together in one place.

I attended TVC for about seven years. Thank you so much. (LogOut/ All but one are primarily defined as Now contrast that with how he feels about white members of the church who may take offense to his approach. Yeah, I walk around in a great deal of fear just wondering. Ok so I wanted to kind of ask the question you asked Matt about why hes always inclined to believe its about race when a cop shoots a black man. The church has restricted Root from the childrens ministry building on its Dallas campus, but initially urged church members to say hello to the couple and spend time with them. When I think about Laurens post regarding Alton Sterling and my subsequent warning that such uninformed rhetoric puts officers in danger I cant help but think of this passage. We didnt feel like it could wait. Do those things happen? Ill try to keep this as chronological as possible so that people can understand the process we went through. [b]7For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and sea creature, can be tamed and has been tamed by mankind,8but no human being can tame the tongue. After getting off of work that night I arrived at the service. The fact that the black lives matter mantra of hands up dont shoot was based on a lie in the first place, should give everyone pause against believing their propagandized grievances and mindset against our police forces across America. We really feel Matt C is a great teacher and he has shown before that he is not above apologizing when he and TVC have been wrong. Did we pull a list from a partnering church without any vetting? The man was later prosecuted by the FBI. I understand that Matt is a human prone to mistakes as well, and that hes going to fall short just like all of us will, but man that was just such a devastating and cold response given what had just happened, and especially since he had scolded other people, mostly other white people, for doing the same thing. His resignation came after the congregant's husband reported him to police. That meeting consisted of four elders. Most every church has specified in its bylaws the process for confirming or revoking a call of the pastor. He said that he preferred prepubescent girls ages four and older but that he had seen child pornography involving infants and teenagers as well.. Most of the children in this community, but the Bill of Rights is the Bill of Rights and brutality is brutality, and theres a rule of law that must be obeyed. The unadulterated gospel alone covers all of these issues and does so in a way that no human scheme or political movement or President or new legislation could ever hope to do, and does so in a way that makes ALL sinners feel convicted of sin, whether it be racism or otherwise, and makes all who repent of those sins into a new creation in Christ. As I [Pastor Matt Younger] mentioned in my first letter, this decision violates your covenant with usand places you under discipline. There was also an incident where a female member of his church found out that her husband was a pedophile. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire! Church leaders had refused to comply with that request for weeks and were proceeding with church discipline. This way we can avoid having multiple, partial conversations. There are only 2 reasons that immediately come to my mind: 1) he already had the numbers explained to him and didnt want to admit that he was wrong. How I wish you had talked about the false teachers that Chandler has aligned himself with, because that is where my best friends suspicions led me. He got shot taking out his wallet to identify himself as a LEGAL immigrant. Letting the enemys foot in the door of any church is foolish, unwise, sick, and downright dangerous. In a resignation letter dated December 16, 2014, Beverly Church resigned as Alderman for the 2nd Ward of the City of Marshall. In this conversation, Matt wasnt defensive. Perhaps a hug, a question about how she was doing given the circumstances, something along those lines. That night he admitted to almost ten years of child pornography use that began while he was in college and continued throughout his seminary studies into our dating and engagement, she said. The 36 unarmed black males killed by police in 2015 measured against the total black male population (nearly 19 million in mid-2014 per the Census Bureau) amounts to a per capita rate of 0.0000018 unarmed fatalities by police. Clark appears to be leaving Village Church on very good terms. Like you, it would be great to see the issue treated equally no matter who is in the wrong (black, white, police officer, etc). At this point, I considered once again emailing the church with my concerns, but felt that it was futile. My wife walks around in fear, wondering, Am I going to be like those other wives? Police do not over-arrest blacks. It felt as if the blueprint for the message was How can I generate empathy for first responders but also not let officers off the hook for shooting black men and also throw in some talk about police reform in there?. Its no secret that Matt Chandler is a silver tongued speaker; he is very smart and knows how to captivate an audience like very few men can. But because the Bible views most divorces as sinful, there is an expectation that members will discuss the circumstances of it with church leaders before they proceed, Leeman said. Just wanted to address a couple things. In the meeting I did once again mention the comments he made regarding Ferguson and police in general and just asked him why his default position seemed to be one of believing officers to be racist before any facts had come in. The video is of two white officers wrestling a large white man and having trouble getting him under control. It must have taken a lot of courage to write. Rob Daniels replied to thank her and asked her what othersuggestions she had and what else the church could be doing better. Theyve been willing to alienate and grieve people like Jen and myself for the cause of being a more multi-ethnic church. male headship means nothing We wanted to see the church turning back towards truthfulness, balance and fairness but we had to reluctantly accept that it just didnt appear to be likely to happen. My wife and I have moved to Florida. Blacks commit around 28% of all crimes and are around 28% of all arrests. He got it completely backwards as to who broke the law that day. The article states that the textbook brings up the black lives matter grievances and the author blatantly LIES in this brief excerpt: The book also bashes police for its handling of the Ferguson riots.

Chandler admitted that the Village Church has been too heavy handed at times in requiring members to stick to the churchs covenant. For the sake of staying on one topic Ill save the topic of false teachers until the end. The pastor's leave is the latest blow for the church and the Southern Baptist Convention denomination the countrys second-largest faith group, of which the Village Church is a member. Earlier this month, SBC announced that it's under federal investigation related to sexual abuse. That is indeed sad. I finished the study, but what she pointed out to me in the book and about Matt Chandler always stayed in the back of my mind. Church leaders told Hinkley that she should have consulted with them before filing for an annulment. Around 26% of people shot by the police are black, which once again squares with the crime and arrest rates of blacks, and could be considered lower than expected given that blacks commit much higher rates of violent crimes than whites. This article originally appeared on Raw Story, Matt Chandler, the lead pastor at the Village Church, which operates under the Southern Baptist Convention, announced this week that he's resigning his position after having an Instagram relationship. Yes indeed. We stepped away from TVC last year for several reasons mostly related to issues youve raised in this post. They declined her request, saying it might lead to a divorce. Without being impartial, what is happening now will only continue to raise up past prejudices and issues that had seemingly come a long way.

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With it we curse peoplewho are made in the likeness of God to Christian! She had and what else the church with my concerns, but not Michael Brown she should have with!

Mega-church is an oxymoron. The conversation ended up being mostly about continuationism vs. cessationism. The reality is that emotions run high when a pastor resigns. The pastor who oversaw the restoration process of admitted voyeur and former Cedarville University professor, Dr. Anthony Moore, has resigned. We are sorry for our error and how it affected Karen, they wrote. Thats why I lost my mind. You give facts time to work, but I dont bring it up that night.. Was it even an elder or was it someone else on staff? I decided to explain all of this in a blog for two reasons. She said that she appreciates the women getting together to try to understand each other more, but since police officers are often the topic of these conversations, perhaps they could include the wives of officers in their groups to get their perspective on things. In addition to these Christian celebrity partnerships, we started noticing the average members and congregants were adopting these same attitudes. However, he said, its important to not tighten the screws too much and create exact policies. 9With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse peoplewho are made in the likeness of God. Again, Ill spell that out more fully later. A Minnesota pastor resigned after confessing to an adulterous relationship with a married congregant. I hope more people read your post for a more balanced perspective about the police shooting and the tendency people have to jump conclusions before the facts known. He is obviously a false teacher and needs to be avoided. She also advocates for the inability of businesses to consider a persons criminal record when deciding whether to hire them or not, because she believes its just used as a tool to weed out black applicants. Her former husband, Jordan Root, was fired as a missionary with SIM, an international missionary agency, after admitting to viewing child porn for years. As if Wilson shot extra rounds because Brown was a black man (instead of shooting until the threat stopped, which is what forensic evidence proved that Wilson did). Also like you, we understand that all of us view things from a different angle and we must tolerate to some degree those who disagree for the greater good of the church. This post is to explain why I decided to remove my family from The Village Church, hereby referred to as TVC. I pray they will turn from these false teachings and concentrate on preaching the gospel which is the only thing that has the power to change hearts and lives. So sad that the Chandlers et al are buying into the Leftist media lies. I ask that The Village Church refrain from any future communication on my behalf to my friends, family, and supporters, she wrote them in her February 11 resignation letter.

Trisha Mann Parents, Articles V