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Today we're looking at how The High Priestess can be used to judge the timing of a future event. Magician and High Priestess: . The reversed High Priestess can reveal someone who bottles their emotions and eventually breaks down into volatile emotional outbursts. To be a leader, you must first learn to serve. Because of this, when applied to love readings, it can mean that your intuition is correct. 4 of cups + The Wheel of fortune: Feeling out-of-place. high . 5 yr. ago. As a person, the High Priestess reversed suggests someone who needs to get back to their center, develop trust in the self, and let go of others' expectations. This card is mystical, intriguing, spiritual, and feminine all in one. Whichever outcome you see depends on the reader and what feeling you get from the cards. Between light and dark, she stills her mind and connects to the field of information above her. The High Priestess Gilded Tarot is a card that favors the Spirit, often with a lust-based connotation. The High Priestess is the guardian of the unconscious. high priestess as how someone sees you. As a person, the High Priestess reversed suggests someone who needs to get back to their center, develop trust in the self, and let go of others' expectations. It can indicate that you have a good mentor who is helping you to push forward or is teaching you the tricks of the trade. This is the Virgin aspect of the Goddess, and her wisdom is all-encompassing. The High Priestess sees the big picture and knows the beginning, the middle and the end. She contains within herself the secrets of these realms and offers us the silent invitation, "Be still and know that I am God." The High Priestess is the feminine principle that . An invitation to allow yourself flexibility and the ability to just sit in the moment. #cancer #tarot #zodiac #horoscope #July #juneprediction #2022 #originaldeck #ethony #original #all #toutlessignes #avril2022 #Career #money #aceofpentacles #. Bookkeeping. Before you agree to fill the glittery red slippers, take some time to reflect on the advice here.. Hopefully, this post will give you . Remember, figuring out where we are in life, who we are in a relationship, how someone sees us, and why we allow ourselves to be treated a certain way — are key steps to fixing a path we don't . The Fool Upright The Fool Reversed. The High Priestess indicates that you need to pay attention to your feelings and listen to your inner voice. Chances are the querent is in a stage where he or she is attracted to the other person's appearance. The High Priestess could suggest you have the foresight to see what is coming which could mean good or bad things. A High Priest/ess must know how to do self-exams on their personality, psyche, and magical selves. 2-The High Priestess. One. In the upright position, The High Priestess symbolizes seeking answers within silence, following intuition, remembrance, receptivity, visions and psychic ability, stillness, serenity, stillness, and an open mind. The priestess is not a teacher or leader on a pedestal, but rather, she is of the highest service. The second card of the Major Arcana, she's said to represent all things secretive, and intuitive — the personification of that which lies beneath the surface. I did a card spread for how someone feels about going into a relationship with me and I got the high priestess R. If anyone could help me on figuring out what this card could mean please leave your response thankyou. ; Together the Magician and High Priestess can indicate a powerful business . If you want to know what The High Priestess represents when it comes to having feelings for someone, it means that there is contentment and a sense of peace . If you are asking how someone is feeling about you and you get the High Priestess tarot card, this person is feeling a soul connection with you, but there are emotional waters that need to be crossed before they know if you are the one they can feel safe with. The High Priestess can appear in situations when we chose to listen to our intuition. 30/05/2014 by Toni Allen Author. This card is mystical, intriguing, spiritual, and feminine all in one. 4 of cups + The Hermit: Proofreading and editing. Posts: 55. High Priestess tarot card represents what is mysterious and intriguing as well as psychic revelation. General meaning and interpretation (Upright) The High Priestess possesses intuition, mystery and sensuality combined with common sense. Dartellus. In order to cultivate High Priestess Energy, one must first find a state of empty presence. The High Priestess is a spiritually intuitive woman full of mystery, wisdom, and understanding. Last edited by Flashkannon; 2020-01-03 at 07:51 PM . Someone who is knowledgeable in one way or another, who can make mature decisions. If you receive the High Priestess in your reading then the time has come for you to understand the balance necessary to get what you want out of life. I'm posting in the "Reading" section because this is a piece of a reading. If this card shows up it means the future is completely unknown, your own insight will guide your way. Writing. In many respects the High Priestess is the last card you want to see drawn when trying to judge the timing of a specific event. Firstly, The High Priestess is a card of intuition. The High Priestess advises us to pay attention to "small overlaps" and to listen carefully to the various pointers on a path of life (to hold on to each sign that somehow understood as addressed to you). Magician Tarot Card Combinations . Difficulties can develop when you ignore your intuition and follow only your conscious mind. The High Priestess could be telling you that your family is going to have a new child or a family member is going to have a psychic ability. The basic difference between a priestess and a HPs is the knowledge, experience, desire, and ability to give of herself in . The High Priestess represents our unconscious forces - intuition, - often inexplicable, but it is a firm belief in something that is . . The High Priestess is a reminder that you don't know everything in a situation. Pay attention to your dreams and the signs and symbols the universe is . She never hands them over to the Fool. Major Meaning: Trust your intuition, and natural psychic ability. If you look at the High Priestess' pose, it conveys security and toughness. They could be terrified of being alone. You cannot be a communicator for divine energies if you can't sort out your own head messes. Now look at the card and let your inner chatter fade away. The cards around The High Priestess also have an effect on which is true. Knowflake. In order to clarify some points in this situation, you should seek help from your subconscious. The information that she has is beyond words. Table of Contents Whether you plan to start a new coven, are "hiving off" from an established coven, or your current leadership is stepping down for whatever reason, assuming the role of high priestess is an enormous responsibility. Back to The The High Priestess (II) Upright See Also - Extensive Exploration of High Priestess - Relationship, Love & Sex Interpretations - Here. 4 of cups + The Emperor: Bored with a routine. In general Tarot readings, it's standard for The High Priestess to hold the meaning of psychic development, spirituality, and mediumship in the future. Eyes fluttering, she senses the tingling sensation of the glyphs, and as the symbols trickle down . The High Priestess wore an elegant silver dress and blue hooded cloak . Location: São Paulo. Initiation into the occult. The pillars symbolize "strength" and "to establish". I have a clue as to what it might mean but I'd . In business and career, The High Priestess is a good omen that indicates you are putting your skills and abilities to work. If you want to know what The High Priestess represents when it comes to having feelings for someone, it means that there is contentment and a sense of peace . * Have connections or an up-line that you can go to when you are facing something you don't know how to handle or answer. The High Priestess: Love, Career, Health, Advice, & More. Ensure you are in a place where you will not be disturbed. About the High Priestess Keywords: Mystery, unattainability, intuition, wisdom, the subconscious Keywords (Reversed): Disconnection from intuition, psychic blocks . High Priestess as a person. The High Priestess can be viewed as a kind of female Pope (a Papess), or the ancient Egyptian Priestess of Isis, the even more ancient snake and bird goddesses, the Greek goddess Persephone, or Eve, before the fall. The High Priestess Witches Tarot in front of you is a powerful, mysterious, wise, and fascinating figure. 4 of cups + The High Priestess: Unable to accept an answer. The High Priestess in reverse represents the withdrawal of intuition. He may see you as a deep person also, if the High Priestess is a representation of how he views you as a person. So, although there are different kinds of Wicca, and the answers will vary slightly, it is common in all fully lineaged forms of Wicca that "high priesthood" is a title that is bestowed upon a person by a community that the person serves as clergy, supporter, and teacher. At least for now. I would read these cards as someone secretly having romantic feelings for you or secretly planning to make you an offer and/or confess those feelings. After having mastered the creative energy . Upright. Because of this, when applied to love readings, it can mean that your intuition is correct. It usually advises you follow and listen to your gut. She is the mystery of the mother, of the moon and of life. You should be able to sense how things are going and not look to others for their opinion. It is very likely that this person is completely self absorbed. The High Priestess sits between two pillars, a black one on her right on which is written the letter B, and a white one on her left with the letter J. The High Priestess upright speaks of the hidden and mystical. Being of service is not about placing anyone above or below, but rather creating a mutual relationship of respect between the . - people see you as a person whom they feel comfortable with; - they are just relieved that the storms are over; - In romance they can see you as family or someone they would build a family with; - This card is similar to the 10 of pentacles when it speaks of permanence in ones life. He may also see your connection as spiritual in some way. Meditate On The Card Hold the High Priestess in your hand. In the Tarot deck, the High Priestess is the second Major Arcana card. Emotional security is the most important thing when the High Priestess shows up. We don't need to "unravel" the mystery of other people. The High Priestess is the second tarot (II) card in the major arcana. There is a need to direct all attention to the words of the inner voice since this is the only truth. This card could be warning you of someone close to you who is not what they seem. Meaning. On a more everyday level she can personify how someone sees you, your personality type and your feelings in general. The High Priestess urges you to follow your intuition. An invitation to work on spiritual growth. When The High Priestess represents you in a tarot reading, it means you have a unique problem-solving ability that can be helpful to others. Hopefully, this post will give you . They can help you find the answers you are looking for. I will put this down as a solid maybe. Positive Influence: A spiritual connection to the Angels or Higher Beings. In the Tarot deck, the High Priestess is the second Major Arcana card. Relationships: In a relationship, The High Priestess might encourage you to remain loyal, quiet, inactive and confident in your own conscious, inner richness, awaiting the person who can see and appreciate your art, intuition or magic. A baby might be in your future. The Magician Upright The Magician Reversed The High Priestess: Love, Career, Health, Advice, & More. The High Priestess requires that we know our strengths and weaknesses- that we know our power and have the ability and wisdom to use that well. —Jennie Mira. For The High Priestess, this invitation could be the following: An invitation to trust your intuition and allow it to guide you. The High Priestess As How Someone Sees You. Her lesson is that everything you need to know already exists within you. well the first card was how he saw himself (the emperor reversed) the second card was how he saw me (the high priestess) the third card was how he felt about me/the relationship (the Knight of pentacles) and the last was the relationship's status (knight of . The theme of dualism in the High Preistess cannot be avoided either. This card appearing in a reading signifies that you're connecting to your inner voice and that that's where you will find the answer to your question. 4 of cups + The Empress: Working from home. The High Priestess is a Major Arcana, or "trump" card, that represents human wisdom. While she maintains her mystery she has power, if she was to reveal her mystery she would lose her power . But there's a lot more to it. She stands for things yet to be discovered in your life, and thus the answer to your question is unclear. To make the High Priestess work for you, try the following: 1. When the High Priestess appears in a tarot reading she indicates that now is the time to trust your instincts and go with your gut feeling. Joining a group such as the Builders of the Adytum, Golden Dawn, Free Masons or even one of my favorite tarot chats at the Acelectic Tarot Forum where you meet insightful people who can help you on your path of self discovery. Trust your feelings. Posts: 3,472. You simply have to wait and be receptive to inner messages. When The High Priestess represents you in a tarot reading, it means you have a unique problem-solving ability that can be helpful to others. Meditation, reflection, and listening to your intuition are the only ways to find what you are searching for because deep down inside you already know . She is often a sign of the Shadow, the negative portion of your personality that no one sees, and that you yourself could be unaware of. In order to see where she comes from, we must dive into our intuition and our deepest emotions. She gives them when he is ready. Quick Message: Life is a mystery! But there is still value in trying to get to know ourselves, and others. Neither should you seek reassurance from others when you know otherwise. #cancer #tarot #zodiac #horoscope #July #juneprediction #2022 #originaldeck #ethony #original #all #toutlessignes #avril2022 #Career #money #aceofpentacles #. It is time to move away from the outside world and plunge into the subconscious. The High Priestess. The High Priestess Tarot Card as How Someone (He/She) Sees you The High Priestess is a fantastic card to receive when asking how another person sees you. She protects the realm of the Empress so you know, you can't just have any dickhead with a sword cruising around. We can respect it, leave it intact, and be grateful we get to be near it. You can declare that it has been cleansed (using water) and consecrated . The interpretation is the same for the Marseille Tarot and the Rider Waite Tarot. With no . In general Tarot readings, it's standard for The High Priestess to hold the meaning of psychic development, spirituality, and mediumship in the future. The High Priestess As How Someone Sees You. At first i thought the old way i see the HPS: This person sees me as a mysterious one. Posted on May 21, 2022 by . Now is the time to reflect, meditate, pray and focus on your inner world. 4 of cups + The Chariot: Wanting a better life. Underneath the surface of our thoughts, there is a deeper knowing, an intuition that exists. She does not teach us directly, we must follow a journey to learn and . The High Priestess is an invitation to go inwards and to trust what you find. The High Priestess has the answers, if you only listen for them. She has ancient scrolls and when the Fool asks for them she quietly and without words gives him the information. The High Priestess is seen as a beautiful, balanced person with profound knowledge of life. Meaning of the High Priestess Witches Tarot. The High Priestess sits at the threshold of the Akashics, with one foot softly rooted in this conscious reality and the other one dipping deeply into the unconscious realm. Often the best answers come from within. Seeing this Tarot card means you are the one that needs to employ your own devices to get to the truth of the matter. Ask for help when you need it. In the future, The High Priestess represents the time when a secret will be revealed. In the future, The High Priestess represents the time when a secret will be revealed. What springs to mind? A journey of self-discovery goes hand-in-hand with the presence of this card in your spread. She sits in front of the thin veil of unawareness which is all that separates us from our inner landscape. The High Priestess represents someone who is open to her own spirituality and advises you to break the boundaries of rationality and listen to your inner voice. Because the High Priestess is so mystical, the answers from this card can be shadowy and hard to understand. Play some gentle meditation music if it helps. Eat a whole gallon of spiders in one hour without throwing up. . In Wicca, every practitioner is a Priestess or Priest. The reversed High Priestess means that a person listens to someone else's opinion, while he should think about what is better for him. Answer (1 of 6): Hi. An invitation to learn more about your own inner world and how it affects you physically. She is in service to her community and to her calling. From: Registered: Nov 2012. posted June 18, 2013 05:09 PM. The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning & Solutions. If you haven't already discovered this believer, passively refuse to be possessed by the person who's . high priestess as how someone sees you. It is possible that someone is withholding the information from you, or that you have not been given all of the facts. Administration. Simply charge the water the same way you charged your cannabis, dip a couple of fingers into it and then touch your weed. The High Priestess must always know what is going on. Because the High Priestess is so mystical, the answers from this card can be shadowy and hard to understand. The high priestess is the ultimate symbol of balance and manifestation. She is serious, kind, fair, and compassionate. On a more everyday level she can personify how someone sees you, your personality type and your feelings in general. The person of interest believes there's more than meets the eye with you. High Priestess An Explanation Tarot High Priestess: The coming of the Witch Queen High Priestess tarot card represents what is mysterious and intriguing as well as psychic revelation. The High Priestess is associated with the moon, femininity, and inspiration. Inaction may well be the best course of action when you see the High Priestess. THE HIGH PRIESTESS OVERVIEW. Because of their immense selfishness, they will not be supportive with any of . They seem overly complicated. While she maintains her mystery she has power . 2020-01-03, 07:56 PM (ISO 8601) When a High Priestess dies, the first priestess in the city to complete the Gallon Challenge becomes the new High Priestess. The High Priestess is the feminine counterpart to The Hierophant. Emptying the busy-ness of the mind by listening to the breath allows one to develop the sensitivity needed to listen to the quiet whispers of the heart and soul. The High Priestess is a guiding card, telling you that right now you are on a path of enlightenment. Answer (1 of 6): I'm surprised by the other answers. The reversed High Priestess can reveal someone who bottles their emotions and eventually breaks down into volatile emotional outbursts. The High Priestess is a balance between light and dark and the second card in the traditional Rider-Waite tarot. They could be terrified of being alone. Hi! She not only offers enlightenment but also reveals secret paths, hidden dangers, quiet places, pillars of light and darkness, existence and negation, feeling and reflection. Posted on May 21, 2022 by . The High Priestess reversed along with the Hanged Man, and Page of Cups can indicate the presence of a Piscean Person. The High Priestess is a mystery in the same way we all, at our core, are and will remain mysteries to other people. The High Priestess is the guardian of your intuition, indicating that it can be a powerful indicator that you will need to trust your feelings when it comes to love and romance. I was doing a reading regarding one person and the way this person sees me, and came the High Priestess. Boaz is roughly translated as "strength," and Jachin as "stability." These are the pillars at the entrance to King Solomon's Temple. Seeing the high priestess reversed may be an indication that you need to be cautious when dealing with those around you. You are being drawn out of yourself by exterior forces and are made to feel as though your beliefs or morals are not real. The High Priestess is a typical infidelity Tarot card for two reasons, both of which can be found in The High Priestess' main meanings. A High Priestess is a woman who leads a Coven or a Wiccan ritual. This is the time to rely on your intuition and understanding . She knows what she wants, she is certain of her convictions and . For the accused heretics who were burnt at . The first card is The Three of Swords; a triply impaled heart that Jean also drew during his reading.Looking at Lucas, I can see that this is not what he expected from the tarot cards. She generally symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and inner balance. The High Priestess has the number 2, which refers to duality and balance. If this card is meant as an advice, she asks you to look deeper into a matter you are trying to understand. Ten of Cups. Tarot High Priestess. The High Priestess is deep, so it would make sense that he would have deep feelings for you. This card can mean that your hunches are correct if you suspect your partner is . Cards combinations of High Priestess 3. Someone may have told you a secret or you discovered hidden information. So she will obviously be very knowledgeable about Wicca / Witchcraft. There is more going on behind the scenes than you realize. The letters B and J stand for Boaz and Jachin. . The opinion of others is having a tangible effect on how you act, what you say and how you make others, as well as yourself, feel.