ahaziah age contradictioncharleston section 8 housing list

. A narrative should be treated as credible unless it can be shown conclusively not to be. In 2 Kings 8:17, Ahaziah's father Joram reigned for 8 years after beginning his reign at age 32. 1 Kings 22: 51-53 Ahaziah continues to lead the people in Baal worship. . How Old was Ahaziah, King Of Judah? An interesting argument . 2 Chronicles 22:2 says Ahaziah was 42 when he began to reign. Therefore Ahaziah could not have been 42 at the time of his father's death at age 40! Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. Tell us what you think? This is a classic supposed "contradiction" in the King James Scripture. His father, however, lingered on in his suffering for another 20 years, and so Jehoram formally became king only at the age of 42. Click to expand. 2Kings 8:26 has Ahaziah's actual age of twenty-two years when he began to reign in 790, during the two years of his father's disease. 22 is the correct age and 42 is an obvious translation . Keita are true, SAMURAI36, we've had numerous dialog and robust discussion on the various so-called contradictions cited in the Bible. :9 is incorrect, both because the age of eight is unusually young to assume governmental leadershipthough Joash ben Ahaziah was only seven when he began to reign (2 Kings 11:21) and Josiah was only eight (2 Kings 22:1 . II Kings 8:26 NKJV. Earlier in 2 Kings 8:17 the author mentions that Ahaziah's father Joram ben Ahab was 32 when he became King, and he died eight years later, at the age of 40. Joram was 40 when he died, showing that Ahaziah could not have been 42, but was instead 22 when he began his reign. Ahaziah was the legal son of Jehoram and in the same chapter we are told he is the son His mother's name was Athaliah, the granddaughter of Omri king of Israel. This would explain the contradiction in the verses. . Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. 2 Kings 8:26 Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign; and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. This video focuses on just one question from a long video.You can watch the VIDEO of the whole Q&A session Here:Part 01: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pnx. A. You will find it in the eighth chapter of Second Kings, and the twenty-second chapter of Second Chronicles. a contradiction, within the passages of 2 Kings 8:26 and 2 Chronicles 22:2. Many here have heard the same old atheist claims of bible contradictions. Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. How old was he really? The King James Version is Scripture. AHAZIAH BEGAN TO REIGN IN THE ELEVENTH YEAR OF JORAM. Did Ahaziah start his reign at 22 years of age or 42 years of age? 20:14). ), very similar to Ahaziah, and Matthew (or a list he was using) mixed them up. The age of Ahaziah. admin 2019-03-30T14:43:03-04:00. His mother's name was Athaliah, granddaughter of Israel's King Omri. 2 Kings 8:26, 2 Chronicles 22:2. However, there is a possible alternative. No, its not a Bible contradiction. Agree Disagree Solution Agree (1) Disagree (3) 25% 4. Alleged Bible Contradictions (Edition 1.5 20100306-20180313) . . But there is strong evidence in the situation and events that this is not a scribe's error. Resolving Apparent Contradictions Introduction This section will detail the most noted apparent "contradictions" in the Bible. Note from The . Scripture is absolute truth. What happened here is that at the age of 22 Ahazizh began to reign as coregent with his father and then when his . In 2 Chronicles 22:2 there is a passage commenting on the age of evil king Ahaziah of Judah. Such scribal errors do not change Jewish or Christian . 206-207.) Answer: Ah yes the common issue among contradiction-hunters, the dates and years. His mother's name was Athaliah the granddaughter of Omri, king of Israel. Judah died at age forty, that Ahaziah, being his youngest son (after the rest of his heirs . 2 Kings 8:26 42 years old Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. he shall do according to all that proceedeth out of his mouth." In the books II Kings and II Chronicles we get two different ages for Ahaziah when he began to reign in Jerusalem. In II Kings 24:8 it is written, " Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign.". Judah died at age forty, that Ahaziah, being his youngest son (after the rest of his heirs . Numbers 4:3How can the age for Levitical service be 30, when Numbers 8:24 says 25, and Ezra 3:8 says 20? Answer (1 of 2): Which king are you referring to? This is the age of Ahaziah as a the youngest and most recent member of the extended reign of the house . His mother's name was Athaliah the granddaughter of Omri. Supposed contradictions in the Bible are not contradictions, at all, but are usually supplemental accounts that, when put together, tell the whole story . Was he eight or eighteen? Contradiction #78 (a) God decided that the life-span of humans . And . 5. His mothers name was Athaliah the granddaughter of Omri. 2 Kings 9:1-13 Jehu is anointed king and God gives him the task of eliminating the rest of Ahab's family line including Ahaziah. God promised to destroy the wisdom of man. This section says Jehoaichin was 18-years-old when he reigned as king, but Chronicles tells a different story. As Joram was thirty-two years of age at his accession, and reigned eight years (2 Chronicles 21:20 and 2 Chronicles 21:5), at his death his youngest son could not be older than twenty-one or twenty-two years of age, and even then Joram must have begotten him in his eighteenth or nineteenth year. There are two kings in the scriptures with that name; one was king of Israel, the other king of Judah. Therefore Ahaziah could not have been 42 at the time of his father's death at age 40! Ahaziah's age when he began to reign - 2 Ki 8:26; 2 Chr 22:2 - there are two Ahaziah's who are co-regents. . We will see how to resolve these, and any other apparent contradiction, using the basic rules of Bible study we . ("shebat") of the 600 th year and Ahaziah became king in the 2 nd month ("iyar") of the 611 th year, Joram would be in his TWELFTH year of reigning . 6. If you love truth and appreciate exciting mysteries and discoveries, check out the link below to bless God for Ahaziah's "contradiction"! The Bible itself provides enough information in other places to make it clear what the correct answer is - 18 for Jehoiachin and 22 for Ahaziah. . His mother's name was Athaliah the daughter of Omri." (2 Chronicles 22:1-2) NOTE: Father died at age 40 years old and immediately son aged 42 years old took over the reign. These appear contradictory. When did Ahaziah begin to reign? #1. The discrepancy in ages is due to a copyist error. Problems with Names, Ages, Dates and Numbers. **** GEN 1:1 states that "In the beginning * God * created the heaven and the earth while GEN 2:4, These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD * God * made the earth. One is 22 [the son of Jehoram] and the other is 42 [the adopted son of . . Ahaziah Reigns in Judah 25 In the twelfth year of the reign of Joram son of Ahab over Israel, Ahaziah son of Jehoram became king of Judah. 2 Kings 8:25 says he began his reign in the 12th year of Joram, but 2 Kings 9:29 says it was the 11th year. 2 Chronicles 22:2 says, "Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. Ahaziah's father was only 40 years old when he died (2 Chron 21:5, 20) making his son's age of 42 at the beginning of his reign impossible; As listed in the footnotes of the NIV to 2 Chron 22:2, the Syriac say "22 years old", while the LXX has "20 years old". at the age of 40. This is an obvious contradiction, therefore the Bible is wrong, or it's just a copiest error, therefore . (2Chronicles 22:2) Forty and two years old Ahaziah when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. And his mother's name was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri king of Israel. Bullinger's figures are 832-790 BCE which is the forty-two years. They don t always marry again into their same age group. You have to know that sometimes the bible makes reference to periods of time that are symbolic or in connection to their reign, for example he was 18 years of age and reigned partially in co-regency and partially (8. of bro. 27 And Ahaziah walked in the ways of the house of Ahab and did evil in the sight of . And his mother's name was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri king of Israel. This is the age of Ahaziah as a the youngest and most recent member of the extended reign of the house . 7. Jehoram died at the age of forty years, and was succeeded on the throne by his son Ahaziah, :whose age was twenty-two. There is an easy solution to the problemif you are a Bible corrector! The "scholarly" statement of this "explanation" is: "The number 'forty and two' in 2 Chron 22:2 is evidently the mistake of a copyist.". His mother's name was Athaliah the granddaughter of Omri. 1 Kings 22:40 Ahaziah becomes king after Ahab passes away. If I asked you how old you were, you probably wouldn't say "25 years, 147 days, 9 hours, and 53 minutes." The question regarding the age of Jehoiachin when beginning his reign is interesting, however. But if Chronicles is correct, Ahaziah was "forty and . This is the . 2. . Ahaziah's Age at Royal Ascension The same problem exists with the age Ahaziah ascended the throne. Ahaziah son of Jehoram Ahaziah was the son of Jehoram who was himself king of Judah. Ahaziah was 22: 2 Kings 8:26 Ahaziah was 42: 2 Chronicles 22:2 Jacob was Joseph's Father: Matthew 1:16 Heli was Joseph's Father: Luke 3:23 David Captured 700 Horsemen: 2 Samuel 8:4. Also, the term where Ahaziah of Judah is called the "son-in-law" of the house of Ahab may be easily reconciled by this one - Jehoram the son of Jehoshaphat was the son-in-law of Ahab since he married Ahab's daughter Athaliah. Reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2019. Maybe this was because Uzziah was also called "Azariah," (2 Kings 15;; perhaps "Uzziah" was short for "Azariah"? . Obviously a Regent ruled for the first 20 years of Ahaziah's reign. 2 Kings 8:26 says "Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign."2 Chronicles 22:2 says "Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he. The book is compiled from older sources by an unknown person or group, designated by modern scholars as "the Chronicler", and had the final shape established in late fifth or fourth century BCE. 2 Kings 8:25 In the twelfth year of Joram the son of Ahab king of Israel did Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah begin to reign The BIBLE tells us that Jehoram was 32 years old when he became king. II Kings 8:26 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. If, as I said, contradictions can be due to understanding, then it is highly possible you don't understand something and that causes the contradiction. Some believe that Ahaziah could not have been that old at his coronation because "the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah [Jehoram's] youngest son king in his stead" (2 Chronicles 22:1). Obviously this just has to be an error! . . Opponents of the Bible may say here is a case of an error. Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. Satan and man are at war against God and truth. II Kings 8:26 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he began to reign, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. Smitten also was Athaliah his mother, the real ruler of Judah at the time Ahaziah ruled. The simple solution to this apparent contradiction is that Ahaziah was physically 22 years old when he began to reign, but since God has appointed Jehu to cut off the house of Ahab, as a son of Ahab through marriage, he was 42 years old. In the twelfth year of Joram (2 Kings 8:25) Right. II Kings 8:26 NKJV. (2 Kings 8:25.) God is. . The ' God ' in Genesis 1 is translated from the Hebrew . See Also. As per II Kings 8:26, Jehoram began ruling at 22 - when his father was deposed at the age of 40. Ahaziah of Israel was king from 853852 BC. . Introduction. Contradictions in the Bible can be examined and the Bible can be proven correct. Report this Argument. 26 Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem one year. 2 Kings 9:14-29 Ahaziah is mortally wounded by Jehu and dies in Megiddo. 2 Kings 8:26 42 years old Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign. And his mother's name was Athaliah, the daughter of Omri king of Israel. Excellent question! Ahaziah's age. 2. Brian stumbles on one verse and loses the whole plot. . Ahaziah's parents brought Baal worship into the land and turned God's people away from Him; although Ahaziah reigned for only two years, he was just as evil as his parents. Ahaziah's Age at Royal Ascension . Is there a Contradiction? 1:8). Yes, he would actually be slightly older than his step-father (this is not a contradiction.) (2 Kings 9:29.) Ahaziah's true age when he became king of Judah is easy to discern by further research. If we compare between. Note from The . After all, we don't know what we don't know. Matthew, however, says that Joram was the father of Uzziah (Matt. Despite the . The one I've been hearing lately is that King Ahaziah in 2 Kings 8:26 is said to have been 22 years old and in 2 Chronicles 22:2 its said he was 42 years old (hence a contradiction). It is quite consistent with this that Joram had . Ahaziah, s on of Jehoram and Athaliah and listed as king of Judah for one year (c. 906 B.C.E.). II Kings 8:26 "Two and twenty years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign." vs. II Chronicles 22:2 "Forty and two years old was Ahaziah when he began to reign." Should we swear an oath? List of Bible "Contradictions" GENESIS . He is said to be 42 years old when he began his reign in Judah at the death of his father. Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. II Kings 8:26 . 21:20, if Ahaziah was 42 when he began to rule, he would have been older than his father who was 40 when he died and Ahaziah succeeded him. Answer: In the Septuagint, both verses read 22. The passage from 2 Chronicles 36:9 has the same note. To you and I, that may appear to make matters worse. 2 Kings 8:26Was Ahaziah 22 years old when he began to reign in Judah, or was he 42 years old? There are two kings by the same name ruling at the same time. Scholars speak of a contradiction in scripture since in the parallel passage in 2 Kings 8:26, Ahaziah is said to be 22 years old when he begins his reign. Numbers 30:2 "If a man vow a vow unto the Lord, or swear an oath . Scholars speak of a contradiction in scripture since in the parallel passage in 2 Kings 8:26, Ahaziah is said to be 22 years old when he begins his reign. 1. Ahaziah was twenty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. 2Chronicles 22:1- 2 "And the inhabitants of Jerusalem made Ahaziah his youngest son king in his stead: for the band of men that came with the Arabians to the camp had slain all the eldest. . In Genesis 2:17, God speaks about spiritual death which is subsequently followed by physical death in old age. Age of Jehoiachin Contradiction: Yet both verses implied he only reigned for 3 months. Contact Us. 2Ki 8:27 And he walked in the way of the house of Ahab, and did evil in the sight of the LORD, as did the house of Ahab: for he was the son in law of the house of . The number of contradictions vary depending on whom you are talking to. 2 Chronicles 22:2. In the former verse, he is said to be 42 years old and in the latter verse he is said to be 22 years old. 3 months vs. 3 months and 10 days is no contradiction. One who scoffs at God's Word. Most Bibles have a note explaining the Jehoiachin's age is reported as either 8 or 18 years old depending on the manuscripts.