what are two reasons jesus is superior to angelsamanda batula twitter

. Third (Heb. Jesus is more than just another angel. Angels are but "fellow servants" and called upon to . He is the world's ultimate superhero, because there are no weaknesses or limitations that make Him imperfect. 1:5-14). . This is his argument. 26:53, and a legion = 6,000, hence 72,000 angels). Ronny Graham explains the awesome …. 22:8-9), the fact that God commanded all the angels to worship Jesus Christ indicates that He is deity and, therefore, is far superior to the angels. He is greater than the angels in that He is superior in His authority. The Son upholds all things today through his powerful word. For this reason alone Christ is superior to the angels who serve him in heaven. The Son is the perfect radiant representation of the Father. who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it."The underlying term in Greek is diatage, which is capable of wide usage, suggesting . and there are two main reasons why. Since the Scriptures forbid angels to be worshiped and teach that only deity is to be worshiped (Col. 1:18; Rev. That is, the God-man, the union of divine and human nature, didn't exist from all eternity as the God-man. All the other religions of the world say Jesus is not to be worshipped. Jesus Christ is superior. 1:6). (Philippians 2:10). Jesus is "superior to angels," so he can't be one himself. Pay attention to His message. The reason the two verses may not agree is that verse 5 is a quote from the Septuagint. Jesus is "heir of all things," and "the brightness of His [the Father's] glory and the express image of His [the Father's] person." He is the agent of creation and the sustainer of our world. Jesus is Better Than the Angels! What are the sections. Some versions, such as the NSAB won't even have this line in Deut. 1:6), in Psalm 97:7 God commanded all the angels to worship Jesus Christ. And it is the Spirit who testifies, because the Spirit is the truth.". Jesus refers to "twelve legions" of angels ( Matt. Jesus is greater than the angels. Some suggest that since each angel is a guardian of a Christian or at least commissioned by God to . Jesus' name is greater than . . "After making purification for sins, Christ sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name he has inherited is more excellent . Jesus became a man, not an angel, because He came to save men (2:16). Along with a better name we see in verse 6 that Jesus has a better position in the sense that the angels were summoned to worship Jesus - one would not worship . Following the revelation given to John, on two occasions the apostle fell on his face in worship, but the angel quickly told John not to worship him and then gave the reason. He must therefore begin by showing that Jesus is something other than an angel, he is "Song of . Second, he was involved in the creation of (i.e., made) the universe (John 1:3; Colossians 1:16). This truth negates any tendencies toward angel worship. We are explicitly told He is greater than they. Jesus is superior to the angels because they worship and serve Him (1:6-7). The author of Hebrews had introduced the Priesthood of Jesus Christ in 2:17; 3:1; 4:14-15. 148:1-3; Rev. 6:3; Matt. The rebellion and their loss to Michael and his angelic army turned them evil, and a lot of them — about a third of all angels — fell with Lucifer. Jesus is so superior to the angels that all angels worship Him. When it comes to angels, in Hebrews 1:4 we read that our Lord is "so much better than angels.". 32 at all. Jesus made the angels, so He is superior to the angels. But Jesus imputed us with . . The God-man, Jesus Christ, did not exist before the incarnation. Jesus is superior to any high priest of the Old Testament because He is a better person. Hebrews 1:4-9 Overall, the Jews generally had high regard for angels, and well they might. One wife he loves, the other he hates. The word "for" (2:16) relates to the previous two verses . Six Reasons Christ Is Superior To Angels (1) Christ Is God's Only Begotten Son. . 1-2), above the angels (v. 5), worthy of our worship (vv. Jesus is qualified to reign over the world to come only because of his embodied humanity. Hebrews 1:4-9 Overall, the Jews generally had high regard for angels, and well they might. Because Jesus didn't become an angel to save the angels. First, we worship Jesus because of his divinity; next, we worship Jesus because of his Psalm 8:4-6). Jesus has a better priesthood, a better covenant, a better sanctuary, better sacrifice and better promises. Jesus is superior to angels because he is the Son of God. In verse four of chapter one, Paul said that Jesus "[had] become so much superior to angels." This superiority is from becoming the right hand of God, thus an extension of God. The study of ANGELS brings various thoughts of "types" to the minds for most students. These fallen angels are called demons. They believe that the creator god, Brahma, actually made some angelic beings good and some evil from the very beginning. Hebrews 1:13-14 concludes this chapter: And then from verses 4 to the end of the chapter the writer expands upon this truth that Jesus is much better than the angels because of His Sonship. Often angels are associated with the stars, leading some to suggest they are equal in number ( Job 38:7; Ps. Regardless, the majority of Christians have believed that "the angel of the LORD" in the OT was the preexistent Christ. The author is wrapping up his argument that he began in 2:5, that God put man on the earth to rule, and that the role of angels is "to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation" (1:14). Don't let it slip from your mind. On their hands they will lift you up." (Psalm 91:11-12) "The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear Him and rescues them (Psalm 34:7). Jesus is shown to be superior to the angels as the unique Son of God (Heb. . the mountain, Jesus ordered them, 'Tell no one about the vision until after the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.'" (Mt. He became a man to save men - to save you. But that is not what the original text says. The Bible talks about angels rejoicing when sinners are saved. Jesus comes with the "voice" of the archangel. 1. So, when the Holy Spirit made the stunning statement that Jesus is better, is greater or is supe-rior to the angels, that was extremely signifi cant. This identification is part of the Jehovah's Witness doctrine that Christ is a created angel rather than God. Finally, Jesus has "by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they [the angels]" (1:4). Jesus Christ never changes, is never subject to change, is never subject to alteration. Jesus Never Claimed to Be God. In Hebrews 1 it says, "For to which of the angels did God ever say, "You are my Son, today I have (become Your Father)'." One needs to read the remainder of that sentence abo. To emphasize how Jesus is superior to the prophets, the writer highlighted seven of his characteristics. 1. Psalm 102:25 He then proceeds to interweave seven OT quotations to testify to the fact that Jesus is better. It seems that first century Ephesus was equally unfamiliar with who Jesus is. Why? Five Reasons that Christ is superior to the angels. Before a man could be anointed as high priest, his genealogy was carefully scrutinized. The role, humanity, and deity of Christ was something Paul wanted Timothy to remember. God has anointed the Son. Angels can even speak, according to Galatians 1:8, where the apostle Paul says, "Though we, or an angel of heaven, preach any other gospel unto you.". Thus the author's first point is that Jesus is greater than the angels because of His unique position as the Son of God, as seen in two Old Testament prophecies. Verses 10-12 reveal another . 151 Views. 1:4). 6. Then, in the next several verses, . Jesus is not an angel; he is worshiped by angels (v. 6). After Jesus had made purification for sins ("καθαρισμὸν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν ποιησάμενος") by dying on the cross, Jesus then sat down at the right hand of God in heaven. Another important passage that teaches the worship of Jesus is found in Hebrews 1. 2-3, 10; cf. For this reason, the new covenant is . The dilemma is that he wants the son from the wife he loves to be his heir, even though he is not the first-born in time. They can speak. Themes in the Book of Hebrews . Third (Heb. "He will give His angels orders concerning you, to protect you in all your ways. Two angels are mentioned by name are Gabriel (Luke 1:19 & 26; Daniel 8:15-26 and 9:21-27) and Michael (Jude 1:19), the latter in specifically as an archangel. It's possible that an esteem for angels as mediators of the first covenant is what motivated the author to pen two chapters presenting Jesus as being "better than" the heavenly beings. THE Bible's position is clear. Men are free from slavery caused by the fear of death. Compare Philippians 2:7, which declares that . Satan continues to lie, seduce and deceive men into sin, but there is now something that removes all sin: the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. They are capable of emotion. The Son was appointed heir of all things. Th en the Holy Spirit gives the reason why He is superior. Jesus is "as much superior to the angels as the name he has inherited is superior to theirs" (Hebrews 1:4). The writer of Hebrews supported his affirmation of Jesus . who have received the law by the direction of angels and have not kept it."The underlying term in Greek is diatage, which is capable of wide usage, suggesting . Answer (1 of 17): Why do Jehovah's Witnesses believe Jesus is Michael the archangel when Jesus is better than the angels? 22:8-9), the fact that God commanded all the angels to worship Jesus Christ indicates that He is deity and, therefore, is far superior to the angels. The Mormons and the Jehovah's Witness both teach that Jesus was the highest created angel but just an angel. "He sends his angels like the winds, his servants like flames of fire.". 9:1-2; 12:3-4, 7-9 ). This was done to prove beyond doubt that he was from the tribe of . Every time they appear to human beings in Scripture they start with the common greeting, "Do not be afraid." This is for two reasons. Look at the first part of verse 9, where it is asserted that Jesus was made for a little while lower than the angels. ; Jesus serves as our mediator to the Father. The Father made all the worlds through the Son. Th ey were unsure about Jesus, but they had high regard for angels. Part of the reason is contained in the word translated "direction" in Acts 7:53, at the end of Stephen's speech to the Sanhedrin: ". He didn't exist from all eternity. And thus He is superior to angels in title, in worship, in nature, in eternity, and finally in destiny. However, in the overall flow of thought, especially into chapter two where the comparison to angels takes a decided turn to the practical and imperative, v.4 and the major . Jesus Christ Is Superior To Angels . 2. The angels will accompany Him at His second coming and do His will (Mt 16:27; 25:31; Mk 8:38; Lk 9:26). . The other two thirds of angels serve God. There is "Michael" - who's name means "who is like God" is . . 17:1-9 NRSV) From this one incident, we find four reasons for worshiping Jesus Christ. For (gar - term of explanation) ties the two halves of the chapter tightly together indicating the cause for something just stated, here specifically the reason that Jesus is superior to the angels. Lucifer falls into this category of a created angel, thus making him a created being. Hebrews 1:4 calls Jesus superior to the angels. God's people (Heb. The term "name" here denotes the authority Jesus holds as God's Son even over angels.6 Christ is given a better name - a higher authority and superior rank - than the angels. What were the two reasons for the response. Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God .". Verse eight says, "But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy kingdom.". After the Incarnation, He was the God-man. First, Jesus is Superior Because He is the Son (vv. First Reason: Jesus is God's Son (5) The writer of the book of Hebrews also has insight into the identity of Jesus In Hebrews 1, the author identifies Jesus (the Son) as superior to any prophet (vv. Summary of Hebrews 1:1-4 — Argument Premise. Jesus is superior to Aaron and Levitical priesthood. Some posit that the writer based his claims of Jesus' superiority to . First, the phrase "with the voice of an archangel" does not have to refer to Jesus' own voice. 1:7). 3:7-19) Entering God's rest (Heb. The Son superior to angels. But of the Son he says, "Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom. Therefore the Son, Jesus, is superior to the angels and should be trusted to fulfill his plan to make believers co-heirs of his kingdom. The King James Version says in verse 4, "Having been created.". Because this translation appears to say God created Jesus as better than the angels, they will say, "See, it is in the Bible: Jesus was created by God the Father.". Jesus is superior because He is of a different order. Jesus is not an angel; he is the eternal Creator of all things (vv. Consider Hebrews 1:3. The angels are His servants and minister to Him (Mt 4:11 Mk 1:13; Lk 4:13). Again, using "with" in the sense an instrument used, Jesus comes *with* the voice, in a sense that one would say that I am writing *with* this pen. He states, "He has inherited a more excellent name than The Incarnation of Christ Third, Jesus is the radiance of God's glory (splendor or light). This is because the MT doesn't contain this line. about Jesus. Verses 13 and 14 tell us that the destiny of Jesus is greater than angels, and we close with some marvelous things. . Since the writer of Hebrews began his book by saying that God is new revealing himself through his Jesus, it is possible a Jewish reader might think of Jesus as an angel, like a Michael or Gabriel. He is eternally the same. Since the Scriptures forbid angels to be worshiped and teach that only deity is to be worshiped (Col. 1:18; Rev. For this reason, the writer of Hebrews brings the attention to the angels, God's highest beings, and says that Jesus is "superior to angels" (Heb. . Hebrews 1:4-9 Overall, the Jews generally had high regard for angels, and well they might. The Son is now God's spokesman to man. Like all of creation, angels are under God's authority and subject to His judgment ( 1 Cor. Jesus appropriates divine actions unto Himself and thus sets forth an assimilation unto the Lord God. The old covenant served as a shadow of the things to come in Christ (Heb. The incarnate Son of God is a new reality. . Jesus was anointed to rule the creation, but the angels were sent to serve the creation. Actually today, there are still two cults that teach that Jesus was just an angel. Depending on what version you are reading, you might find that Deut. . In this sermon, we shall consider the seven reasons given. In Hebrews 1:6 is the next reason why Jesus is superior to the angels, and again here is the third quotation from the Old Testament. . Of the angels he says, "He makes his angels winds, and his ministers a flame of fire.". The letter to the Hebrews was written to Hellenized Jews who had come to faith in Christ, but were in danger of returning to the Law. Moses was merely a servant, but Jesus is the Son. Jesus never ceased to be God; He simply showed the meekness and condescension of God. Being made a "little lower than the angels" and taking on a body eternally did not in any way diminish the deity of Christ. Now he begins his development of the central theme of Jesus' High Priesthood in detail. Don't be careless with it . That is why the Bible plainly says that "the head of the Christ is God" in the same way that . Similarly, that Jesus created the things of earth means that creation is not worthy of our worship. 10:1). Because getting through the first 14 verses here - and actually, the The Christ Himself is superior - superior to the priests who served Israel under the law of Moses, superior to Moses, superior to Joshua, and superior to angels. The Greek word in this verse is not "poieo," which means . Emphasizes the supremacy of Jesus Christ and his superiority to every aspect of Judaism. Sixth Quote About Christ. . He writes: And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God's angels worship him" (Heb. Jesus is not being accompanied by the voice; he is the provider of the voice. 2. Quoting the Psalmist, the Hebrew writer acknowledged that God had "made him for a little while lower than the angels" (Hebrews 2:7; cf. Jesus is the most powerful being in this universe, and nothing can stop Him. That is why in verse 6, the Old Testament quote says: "Let all God's angels worship him." The author also tells us that Jesus is superior to angels because he is the everlasting King in glory. The letter to the Hebrews was written to Hellenized Jews who had come to faith in Christ, but were in danger of returning to the Law. That reason is this: To prove Jesus' superior power and authority over Satan and all that he has, says or does! The angels have been ordered to serve Man (males and females), and Jesus also serves Man as God's Son. In this account, there is a man who has two wives. We live in a culture less and less familiar with Jesus. Part of the reason is contained in the word translated "direction" in Acts 7:53, at the end of Stephen's speech to the Sanhedrin: ". 13:41; 16:27; 25:31; 2 Thess. 2. Summary: The Watchtower Society teaches that Jesus Christ is the same person that the Bible calls Michael the archangel. 9:15). However, Jesus is as much superior to any angel as any creator is superior even to the absolute best of his creations. Jesus is the provider of our salvation , superior to the angels, King of all, and most importantly, Jesus is God . The author of Hebrews makes some astounding statements in the course of his epistle, including what he writes in Hebrews 1:14: that God sends His angels to serve the needs of "those who will inherit salvation." Their job is to be caretakers of those God has called as firstfruits of His Kingdom. Christ is Creator, while Lucifer is creature, two totally different classes and they cannot be spirit brothers as Mormonism teaches. It could simply mean that an archangel will announce his coming, much like the next phrase, "and with . . Some posit that the writer based his claims of Jesus' superiority to . Warning two: the failure of the exodus generation (Heb. When Jesus took flesh, Jesus came to earth make purification for sins. Therefore, we need only worship Jesus. 1. Psalm 45:6-7), and the creator of all things who is unchangeable (vv. However, the Bible never makes this identification and in fact contradicts it.This article is one of a series of articles explaining in detail the We can't tell people about Jesus until we understand who he is. Hebrews 1:4 also reinforces the fact that Jesus, being God the Son, is superior in nature to the angels. And again, when he brings the firstborn into the world, he says, "Let all God's angels worship him.". When God revealed himself to Moses, he used angels. . We have such a small view of angels and what they do for God and us. Not only is Almighty God, Jehovah, a personality separate from Jesus but He is at all times his superior. Angels are servants of God, but Jesus is God's only begotten Son, sitting at the right hand of the Majesty on high (Hebrews 1:3, 5; John 3:16). This refers to the second coming of the Son of God. John the Baptizer sent two of his disciples to question Jesus as to whether He was the Messiah (Luke 7:19 - 23). The fifth reason Jesus is superior to angels is that He is the infinitely holy God. Angels marvel at the Incarnation and desire to look into the gospel (1 Peter 1:12). One might say, "John spoke with his voice". 25:41 ). 10-12). Yes, Jesus is "the mediator of a better covenant" (Hebrews 8:6). In Hebrews 1, the writer of Hebrews uses seven Old Testament references to make the point that Jesus is superior to the angels. The first by way of outline is God's Revelation of the Son (1-3) and now we move to God's Exaltation of the Son (4-14), the . 6-8; cf. 1 John 5:6 "This is the one who came by water and blood-Jesus Christ. 4. Angels protect God's people and little children. The Bible presents several significant relationships of angels to Jesus Christ. It's possible that an esteem for angels as mediators of the first covenant is what motivated the author to pen two chapters presenting Jesus as being "better than" the heavenly beings. The Septuagint is a Greek translation of the Hebrew Old Testament or what we call the LXX.