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Other doctors advise waiting until at least one menstrual period has come and gone. Of course I am still upset about the m/c but the bleeding was such a constant reminder. I bled heavily at the time for two days and then less heavy for 2 more weeks, then I started to bleed very heavily which lasted 3 days. light vaginal bleeding. need advice: still bleeding 3 months post-medical abortion. I was 6 weeks pregnant. The first periods after a medical abortion may be heavier and longer than . Hence, you have prolonged periods in the next cycle. I went to the doctor who did an ultra sound scan of my uterus and was told that the uterus was empty. It takes two to six weeks to stop bleeding after a surgical or medication abortion. Thought I would write to see if anyone is or has been in the same situation. I am now at 6 weeks post miscarriage and have still been having light bleeding on and off again since my period. Periods lasting for three weeks or more don't always indicate a miscarriage. Recovery bleeding is usually heavy the first few days and will taper off. With a medication-induced abortion, bleeding and cramping usually start within 4 hours, but contact our office if you haven't experienced any bleeding (or light bleeding) in two days. 2. You could be pregnant. People can have increased bleeding around 4-5 days after their SA. This is normal. Expert says that less than 0.5% have an ongoing pregnancy after taking the abortion pills in the first 9 weeks of gestation. The bleeding stopped after about 6 . In this case, the abortion has failed completely and the woman remains pregnant. The bleeding may be light for some people, but it's usually similar to a very heavy period. Serious infection is an infection that has spread into the blood (sepsis). Bleeding does not mean that you have had a successful abortion. Abortion pills can cause hormonal imbalance which is likely to be the reason for the periods to last as many days as it has. After you have an abortion, you may have bleeding anywhere from 2 weeks and up to 6 weeks. Why am I still bleeding 4 weeks after a medical abortion? It really depends on your indiv. Take all of your prescribed medications as instructed. A little over a week after I had the last abortion, so I took a plan b on Sunday, which totally caused me to spiral hormonally. Uterine cramping is normal after any kind of abortion. Exactly 1 month after my miscarriage, I started to bleed pretty heavily and thought it was my period. My follow-up with PP was two weeks later, and they declared that all the tissue had passed and the abortion was successful. It's common to have no bleeding or only light spotting for the first few days after an abortion, so don't worry if you suddenly start bleeding days afterward. The whole night after inserting misoprostol at 11pm, I had the expected severe cramps, fever, chills, nausea, pain and all of the symptoms associated with the abortion pill. Normal side effects after an abortion include: abdominal cramps. Bleeding from an abortion can last for 2 weeks or more. I was told to do a test 2-3 weeks after the termination to make sure my hormones were returning to normal. Feeling emotionally and physically ready are the most important factors, an OBGYN told Insider. I was diagnosed with a blighted ovum via ultrasound at 11weeks 3 days (this is my 3rd pregnancy, first miscarriage). You should meet with a gynecologist so that you can be examined and undergo investigations such as an ultrasound to find any underlying pathologies and . I have been to 3 doctors that told me I have a bladder infection nobody checked my uterus. Unusual bleeding, 3 months after medical abortion. I had a medical abortion three months ago, and my body has still not gotten back to normal. However, ever since the abortion, I haven't stopped bleeding and it has been 3 months. A 25-year-old woman presents to her ObGyn's office with heavy noncyclical bleeding 6 weeks after a first-trimester suction curettage abortion. It's common to bleed for 1 to 2 weeks after either type of abortion. The medicines are prescribed by the hospital or clinic, and you usually take them 1 or 2 days apart. I had a medical termination, I was in the hospital all from 8am until 5.30pm to be monitored. Just wanted a bit of advice from people who have had the coil, it's the copper one, fitted. Answer (1 of 5): After an aspiration abortion (which happens in a clinic), you may bleed heavily, moderately, lightly or not at all, for one to three weeks after the abortion. Feeling emotionally and physically ready are the most important factors, an OBGYN told Insider. Light bleeding will continue for 1 to 3 weeks, and menstrual period should occur 4 to 6 weeks after. Bleeding 4 weeks after abortion, what should I do? I done a test at 2 weeks and it had a faint 2nd line so I decided to wait until . The normal amount of post-abortion bleeding should be the same or lighter as during menstruation, not heavier. Bleeding after a medical abortion During a medical abortion, the doctor gives a woman two pills: mifepristone to stop the pregnancy developing. Doctor said it was a uteral infection. Dr. Foster Moore, the medical director of the clinic, is another Texas physician . Last year I went for a bladder scan and they found that the lining of the womb was abnormally thick ( but I had not had a period for 70 days). Some people find that the blood flow will stop and then start again. Although the probability of getting an infection is quite low, it does exist. Almost exactly 3 months ago I had a medical abortion at 6 weeks pregnant. Possible complications that can occur are. I had a MMC in December and had medical managment, I had bleeding constant after my MM, some days it was light and some days really heavy, I did see my GP 5 times to get a scan and was refused, I eventually had to go private and it was found out after 10 weeks I had retained products of over . Heavy bleeding, stomach pain, and fever can be signs of something more . While both medical and surgical abortions are generally . This happened to me after a miscarriage discovered at 9 weeks through an ultrasound. Abortions lead to the menstrual cycle restarting. Over 3 million people read Morning Brew ; you should too! I feel like my body is never going to get back to normal. [1][2] This number may be underestimated since the reporting of abortions is not mandatory in the USA. It indicates pregnancy as well. 3. Answer (1 of 5): Abortion is similar to an induced miscarriage after a baby quits developing and dies. Although deemed safe, therapeutic abortions, as well as spontaneous miscarriages, can lead to a variety of complications. This abortion is typically performed under . 37 answers /. This abortion was less of an emotional journey, and more of a practical one; I feel morally, emotionally, mentally, and physically supported in my decision. give 800 mcg misoprostol. SU. The terms dr's use like missed abortion and stuff like that just make me cringe. Depending on how far along you were they either gave a pill or a D&C. Either one you will bleed. Then it will begin to taper off around the third week. It is normal to see light bleeding off and on until your next period in 3 to 4 weeks. Bleeding in amounts similar to your menstruation is normal and should be expected for up to 14 days after the abortion. I had a D&C about 5 weeks ago after abortion drug that nearly killed me. . The doctor said it had to be something to do with either my contraception injection or the termination was complete. Hemorrhage (excessive blood loss) Vaginal infections. r/abortion. 1 time only. Large blood clots were stuck in the opening of my womb and in my cervix causing extreme pain. to dissolve slowly under the tongue, every 3 hours until the abortion is complete. On average, women bleed for 9 -14 days following a medication abortion . Still positive tests 3 weeks after miscarriage. There are a few things that can affect how long you bleed after an abortion. Ideally you should have an antifibrinolytic to stop the bleeding. Medical abortion is very effective (less than 0,5% have ongoing pregnancies) in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy, but it is still very important that women confirm if the abortion was successful. Most women get their period 4-8 weeks after an abortion. (3) by mouth. You may. I had a miscarriage just over 3 weeks ago. However if you are still experiencing pregnancy symptoms or your period has not started after four weeks, you should take a pregnancy test and if . . There are instances when heavy bleeding can happen after 48 hours, along with clots that may pass for days or even weeks. People can have increased bleeding around 4-5 days after their SA. Also, if you began using a hormone based birth control (the Pill, patch or vaginal ring) right after the abortion, be aware that these contraceptives can cause pregnancy . It feels kind of like normal again. A pregnancy test will often not be negative for 4-5 weeks after an abortion. Still, I surprised myself by how . As a guide your periods will normally start again between three and 12 weeks after an abortion. I passed the pregnancy so I know that am definitely not pregnant. Roughly a million abortions are performed each year in the United States alone (CDC 2015). Heavy bleeding can occur if your uterus relaxes too much (uterine atony) or if some fetal or placental tissue is retained in the uterus (incomplete abortion). xkd25x, it is normal and somewhat expected that you bleed even up to 5 weeks after having surgical abortion (it takes up to three weeks for your cervix to close so uterus can start to get back to the pre-pregnancy state), and because you already are comparing the size of the clot, i see that you are familiar with basic warning sings of something … It takes two to six weeks to stop bleeding after a surgical or medication abortion. Even if you bleed, you can still have a continuing pregnancy. It's been a good 3 weeks since my medical abortion. Even after 2 hours you do not experience bleeding then inform your medical expert. Medical abortion involves taking 2 different medicines to end the pregnancy. Women experience light bleeding or spotting following surgical abortion, heavier bleeding occurs with medical abortion and generally lasts for 9 days on average, but can last up to 45 days in rare cases; When I found out I was pregnant, I was on the birth control pill so it came as a massive shock. You should call your clinic if you are soaking through 2 pads per hour for 2 hours in a row. Aspiration abortion is another option for women seeking a 4th week abortion. Answer (1 of 16): You may be still bleeding because a bit of conception material is still stuck in your uterus so it constantly builds and sheds in an attempt to dislodge it. give 400 mcg misoprostol. 1. Hello, I am sorry to hear what you are going through, its so hard to move on when things are like this. The pregnancy is passed (comes out) through the vagina. The main way that your uterus controls bleeding is to contract, squeezing the blood vessels shut. Cramping and bleeding are common side effects that usually start within 2 to 24 hours of taking misoprostol. 17/10/2011 at 4:45 pm. By anonymous on 24/04/2019. After an abortion, your cervix may be open for a period of time; generally 1 week for first trimester abortions and two weeks for 2nd trimester. The next one came four weeks later and was extremely heavy. If you are still bleeding 3 weeks after an abortion, you should consult a doctor for examination and an ultrasound. This is normal. Today after being on 2 different types of antibiotics I went to doctor with same symptoms. medical abortion abortion 9 weeks. Miscarriage and still bleeding after 3 weeks! Tara - July 8. jod99gly. I had a biopsy which was normal but nothing else was done. Taking a home pregnancy test is not helpful, because you can continue to test positive for 4 to 6 weeks after an abortion, due to pregnancy hormones the are still in your body. just now. Last post: 27/02/2016 at 2:20 am. Answer (1 of 5): Abortion is similar to an induced miscarriage after a baby quits developing and dies. Complications after abortion are sometimes possible. The World Health Organization recommends you only need a follow up visit if bleeding is heavy (bleeding is heavy when it is enough to completely soak through a large pad in an hour) and not . vaginal bleeding for 2 weeks after completed surgical or medical abortion is normal. Three weeks of heavy vaginal bleeding, very worried. If they went away, that's. Some people bleed or pass clots for as long as 4 weeks. After your abortion you will normally experience vaginal bleeding for around two weeks afterwards. Some women do not start to bleed until several days after the abortion, some stop bleeding and then start again, some pas. Abortion pills can cause hormonal imbalance which is likely to be the reason for the periods to last as many days as it has. If there is infection, it is more likely to be a mild infection if the abortion was done sooner than 3 months (12 weeks) after the last monthly bleeding. First, the type of abortion you had will play a role. It took about 7 weeks before I had a period. Answer (1 of 5): To be clear - you had a medical abortion (abortion with pills) 8 weeks ago, you're still bleeding, and your pregnancy test is still positive. Medical abortion is very efficient. Bleeding can last longer than 3 days or as short as a day or two. You should call your clinic if you are soaking through 2 pads per hour for 2 hours in a row. just now. I bled very heavily for the first 2-3 weeks, and then I got my first period at the end of my birth . I am 46 years old. Return to the Clinic or see your referring physician for a checkup 2 to 3 weeks following your abortion, even if you are still bleeding. Delaying sex will help reduce the risk of infection. It lasted about a week and then stopped. Most complications are considered minor such as pain, bleeding, infection, and . It constantly goes back and forth between brown discharge, light spotting, and random heavy bleeding, but there's never been a day where I didn't have any sign of blood. Their symptoms include severe pain and heavy bleeding, foul . Bleeding may be spotty, dark brown, and include clots. I had a medical abortion at 9 weeks. But it is still extremely important that women should confirm that abortion has taken place successfully. Afterwards, I bled intermittently fo. At least, I THINK it was a period, but it was very light and just not normal for me. 2 mo. The bleeding should taper off after a week or two. Your symptoms sound quite normal. I stopped bleeding for about 4 days (4 weeks after I took the . I had a miscarriage about 4 weeks ago at 8 weeks although the pregnancy had not got past about 4 weeks. If you've had a medical abortion, then minor surgery will be carried out to clear uterine content. Its likely something wrong. Continuing pregnancy is a pregnancy that continues to develop even after the use of Mifepristone and Misoprostol. Transvaginal pelvic ultrasonography of the uterus with grayscale (A) and color Doppler (B) are performed. Abnormal Bleeding After a D&C. A D&C, also known as a dilation and curettage, is a surgical procedure used to scrape and collect tissue from the inside of the uterus 2. Over 3 million people read Morning Brew ; you should too! Cramping, pain and soreness are also to be expected. (I was scheduled for a D&C a couple days after I naturally miscarried, and I went . At 4 weeks, it's abnormal that you are still bleeding. Medical abortion. Sometimes heavy and most of the times light bleeding. ago MODERATOR. sore breasts. Post-abortion bleeding can last 1 to 2 weeks and might start and stop. In San Antonio, Reproductive Services does menstrual extractions and abortions up to 10 weeks for a fee of $150. Answers. . or. This usually happens several hours after you take the second medicine. misoprostol to trigger the uterus to expel the pregnancy tissue. My doctor instructed me to start my new birth control pack the day after I took the first pill in the office. Did you have pregnancy symptoms before taking the pills, and if so, do you still have them, or did they go away? Summary. This is another surgical way you can abort a pregnancy at 3 weeks. Please read the pinned post and check out our wiki and sidebar before posting. now after the d&c has been done and the bleeding has almost stopped. In two large trials using mifepristone and misoprostol for medical abortion ( n = 4393), 59 (1.3%) women underwent D&C for bleeding complaints and 41 of these occurred >2 weeks after treatment ( Allen et al., 2001 ). In our study, late bleeding was associated with histological findings of degenerating products of conception at the time of D&C. naomibruce326863 over a year ago I went to the doctors because I was still bleeding 3 months after my abortion. A general feeling of being unwell or still feeling pregnant continuous and heavy bleeding that soaks 2 or more maxi-size pads in an hour for 2 hours in a row You performed a pregnancy test 3 weeks after your abortion pill treatment under 10 weeks and the test was positive, invalid or you were not sure of the result I took the misoprostol on 6/7 and Mifepristone a day before that. to dissolve slowly under the tongue or in the vagina, 1 time only. Often there is no bleeding for the first few days immediately following the abortion, then hormonal changes may cause bleeding as heavy as a period around the third or fifth day and increased cramping. I took my medical abortion pills (at about 5 weeks after the 1st day of my last period or about 3 weeks after my day of ovulation), on 1st of July. Dilation and evacuation. You should meet with a gynecologist so that you can be examined and undergo investigations such as an ultrasound to find any underlying pathologies and . It's also normal to feel a little sick through out the process, so if you experience vomiting or diarrhea, it isn't unusual. They did tell me I should expect intermittent bleeding for anywhere between 3-5 weeks after. After abortion recovery Bleeding after abortion is normal and it can last up to five weeks. Women undergo this procedure for many reasons including an elective abortion, to diagnose uterine cancer, to treat heavy menstrual bleeding, or to remove remaining tissue . fatigue. There's no medical-community consensus on how soon you can have sex after an abortion. For example, abortion by pill typically has different side effects than surgical abortion. You might also experience cramps, nausea , headaches, fatigue, or diarrhea . I naturally miscarried on July 23rd and bled very heavily for 4-5 hours and then continued to bleed for 4 weeks. (8) (See BOXED WARNINGS) Some women may experience a heavy bleeding episode 3-5 weeks after the abortion. nausea and vomiting. I feel so abandoned, having meltdowns and anxiety attacks. Ideally you should have an antifibrinolytic to stop the bleeding. Bleeding can last longer than 3 days or as short as a day or two. This is normal when taking Misoprostol. During the procedure, the performing doctor places the instruments into the patient's vagina to evacuate the embryo and end the pregnancy. What is not normal is when heavy bleeding becomes severe. I had just stopped bleeding and cramping from the abortion, and now for the last three days I've been feeling so out of control. It really depends on your indiv. Here are some factors that can influence the duration of bleeding after an abortion: Medical Or Surgical Abortion? A woman is more likely to have a serious infection if the abortion was done later than 3 or 4 months from the last . We offer support and advice to . Women must be informed to return for a clinical examination in cases of acute or prolonged bleeding, pain or fever, as these signs may be indicators of failure or other complications that need treatment. Watch for bleeding about 3 to 5 days after your abortion. Depending on how far along you were they either gave a pill or a D&C. Either one you will bleed. Ali03lgf. Bleeding after Abortion. When you miss a period, your uterus lining becomes thicker than usual and takes time to clear up completely. 1. If you were farther along, you may have "period like" bleeding for couple of weeks. RPOC is a common complication arising from the presence of retained placental or fetal tissue . There's no medical-community consensus on how soon you can have sex after an abortion. If after using the medicines the woman continues to have pregnancy symptoms (like nausea, vomiting, feeling tired) she should do an ultrasound as soon . give 600 mcg misoprostol. . I had it fitted on Friday 27th March.For 3 days I had cramping like pains which eased each day.Then on the Wednesday I started bleeding just lightly at first then by the friday it was like a normal period just heavier! It always takes place in a medical clinic and usually lasts no more than 10 minutes. After the first few days of more intense bleeding some will have little or no bleeding, some will have bleeding tha. 06/04/2009 at 4:35 pm. My periods returned with no problems until May of this year when I had . Here are a few ways by which you can recognize an infection after your abortion: First, you may experience profuse bleeding. suzanne66 19 Sep 2016. Answer (1 of 3): If you had a medical abortion (via the pill, or via misoprostol on its own), you might bleed for 9 -14 days. Others may have bleeding that lasts from 2-6 weeks. For a retained miscarriage less than 13 weeks. Key takeaways: Two medications — mifepristone (Mifeprex) and misoprostol (Cytotec) — are taken together to end a pregnancy during the first 10 to 11 weeks. That was on July 13th this summer. It works by your doctor inserting an instrument into your womb, after adequate anesthesia, to gently remove fetal tissues.