Exercise pens work wonderful for bonding are financially more reasonable than adequate housing and have many uses even after the bonding is completed. If possible, ring ahead, so that the vet can be prepared for your arrival and treat your rabbit immediately as your rabbit will probably be in pain and shock and will require careful nursing if it is to survive. Take it slow and give your rabbits time to work out their disagreements. If you cannot get to a vet immediately, then pick off as many of the external maggots as you can, using a pair of tweezers. Put them in a laundry basket or box and carry them around the house. If you have adopted from Fat Fluffs or we have started the bonding of your bunnies for you then the above will be covered but you will still have the responsibility of bringing them home and making sure they are happy and settled. Place the two rabbits side by side and start petting them and giving them little massages. Or, you may bring food of your own choice. Its better to spend more time than necessary on a stage of bonding, than to rush the rabbits and have to start over from the beginning. However, as the time together gets longer, no toys or treats could lead to an irritated rabbit, and they may end up directing their pent up frustration at the other rabbit. You want to avoid the rabbits getting frustrated and taking out that irritation on the other rabbit. Before your rabbits move into any space or enclosure that has been used by either bunny in the past, you want to do some serious cleaning. The times when you want to be careful are if the rabbits are ever separated and then put back together. Seattle and Pacific Northwest residents can check out our adoptable bunnies here. As rabbits do not spit hair balls out like cats do, it is important that they can get rid of swallowed hair in their faeces. Make sure you do your research, however, since Care and thought must be given when considering a friend for your rabbit. Its easier to control aggressive or anxious rabbits. To prevent the rabbits injuring each other, or injuring you when they go for each other, youll want to wear appropriate clothing and have some equipment available. If you are outside Washington state and want a bunny, please consider adopting! We do charge a daily boarding fee for this service, so that the bunnies can bunnymoon while getting to know each other. Locate a neutral place, somewhere your rabbit doesn't normally frequent, in the house that isn't too large; a bathroom or laundry room typically works well. I have a diploma in Rabbit care, welfare and behaviour, I also have a certificate in Rabbit training. My rabbits were not so keen on the coarse stems but did nibble some of the seed heads. Prices We have updated our boarding prices. In addition, if the cecum/caecum is not emptying quickly enough, harmful bacteria will override the cecum's natural defence system emitting gas and causing the rabbit terrible pain. A rabbit diet should consist mainly of fibrous foods and that applies for this too. Rabbits identify a lot of objects and places by scent rather than sight, so you want to spend time erasing the scent of the rabbits as much as possible. However long it takes, its important that you stay patient and avoid rushing the process. "Bunny Date" instructional video (Bonding 101).

However we find the circumstances of these dates often hide the "real" reaction which may happen when the "perfect pair" return home, and that in 9 out of 10 bonding experiences the bonding "fight", which often appears to be more violent than it is in reality, will still happen. While we do not charge for the bonding services when you adopt a companion rabbit from us, we do require payment for the boarding of your rabbit during the process. Keep your rabbits side by side, but wait to bond them until you move to a different home. If at all possible, you want to keep your bonded rabbits together at all times. You cannot immediately house two new rabbits in the same enclosure, but you still want the two rabbits to get used to the sight and scent of each other. Youll also want to have two of everything because sometimes rabbits dont like sharing litter boxes and food bowls to begin with. This will teach them that approaching each other leads to a pleasant interaction, and can be especially helpful if you are dealing with one rabbit who is highly anxious. Recovery from this disease is rare and euthanasia is often necessary to prevent suffering. Your bunny will speed date until we find a good match (the bunnies must choose). Once bonded the rabbits should be housed together in a space large enough to accommodate them both comfortably. Excel Herbage Timothy Hay with dandelion and marigold was received well in general.

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The first is to ask for the help of a friend or family member and see if theyll allow you to stay in their home with your rabbits for a few weeks while you bond them. We specialise in Rabbit Psychology, Behaviour and Training and are extremely passionate about animal behaviour. Nylon netting can be used to cover outdoor hutches and runs, to prevent flies entering your rabbits environment. Pain medication to alleviate discomfort due to gas build up. White vinegar is a great smell killer and a 50:50 mix with water works really well. Lack of exercise. In almost all cases, you have nothing to worry about. Its also a good idea to spread some treats around for the rabbits to sniff out. WebADOPTING A FRIEND FOR YOUR RABBIT BUNNY BONDING SERVICES. Boarding drop off and pick up times are between 9am-1pm. The rabbit may eat normal amounts of food up to the GI tract shutting down and therefore the stomach may contain a large bolus of food when GI stasis occurs. and let him eat grass. Many animal shelters will be able to facilitate this kind of bunny speed dating, especially those that specialize in small animals. To correct this condition involves patience in allowing the treatments to work. At that point I will plan to take a week and stay with the rabbits full time while they get used to living together. Bring them to the vet together, or out to play together. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Some people will tell you to start with short sessions, while others will insist that its best to jump in for hours right from the start. Sometimes no matter what we do, the two rabbits just wont get along. The indigestible fibre found in hay can prevent hair from accumulating in the gut. They are emotionally and physically healthier because their friend offers companionship and can groom places that are difficult or impossible to reach. Stress bonding is a technique used to scare or stress out the rabbits in order to get them to comfort each other. This is especially important once you are putting your rabbits together for long periods at a time.

Almost inevitably, you will experience setbacks along the way, making you wonder why you decided this was a good idea to begin with. If they had a bad chase or some fur was pulled, step in and place the two rabbits next to each other while you pet them. You will need to check that your rabbit can handle fresh grass as I know some rabbits are less tolerant to it for some reason. 2 weeks, during which your rabbits would board here. If you are looking to adopt a friend for your bunny companion, SaveABunny is here to help! I know too much grass and my rabbits produce too much cecal faeces (soft droppings) and that they do not eat those which can be a hygiene hazard. One grooming per bunny per stay is included. The rabbits can be on the floor, in a box or carrier, or even on a chair or lap. If at all possible, you want to try introducing your rabbit to a number of other rabbits so that your bunny can help to choose their own partner. The best cure for GI Stasis is prevention. WebBunny bonding and medication administration are available as add-ons in a case-by-case basis.

You can adjust the technique youre using based on how your rabbits behave.

It is best if a bunny date can be set up with the facility you are looking to adopt from. You dont have the time to continue with the bonding. WebBunny bonding basics Before introducing two rabbits, both should be spayed or neutered. They would spend every day in a large play area inside our house, and I would be in it with them all day. For domesticated rabbits to stay as healthy as their wild counterparts, their diet should consist mainly of hay. Plenty of both. It is typically the fastest way to bond rabbits, but it requires you to be with them full time for at least 1-2 weeks, bringing them with you in a carrier if you need to go anywhere out of the home. If the two rabbits mostly get along, but you just dont trust them together unsupervised, there is actually another option. This means a bale of hay can last a bit longer.

However, it can be difficult to get this technique to work with rabbits who are highly aggressive or anxious around each other. Bonding is generally easier when rabbits have been sterilized. If you are purchasing anything fromSmall Pet Selectuse the codeBUNNYLADYat checkout to get 15% off your first order. Your rabbits will board with us for 7 - 14 days, and whilst in our care we will conduct the bonding activity for you. Positive behaviors are the ones you want to look for. For example, I left my two rabbits together in the basement for a week after they seemed ready to move in, because my female had been showing signs of serious territorial tendencies. Just like humans, rabbits need to choose their own friends.

Ensure that your rabbit is not being overfed, as this can result in diarrhoea, leading to a dirty groin, Feed greens and fruit in moderation, as some rabbits cannot tolerate an over-abundance of green food, again leading to diarrhoea and a dirty anus . WebBonding Service - The Littlest Lives Rescue Bonding Services Rabbits prefer their own company, so we offer a bonding service for our resident rabbits to be paired up with yours. This can be an indirect cause of GI Stasis. If you are boarding for long-term boarding for stays over 21 days we may be able to offer you a monthly discounted rate on a case-by-case basis. 2. Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. Find a recommended vet, experience and familiar with rabbits. Fees will increase to $25/day starting June 1, 2023. A list of veterinarian offices with the vaccine can be found at the bottom of this page. Thats why providing only pellets is not healthy for a rabbit.

GI Stasis (ileus) is not an illness but a symptom of another underlying problem and it will become an emergency extremely quickly and if left untreated, will be fatal. If you hate the smell of vinegar (like I do), try adding 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil to cover it up. At the bottom of this page we have given a checklist on how to try and avoid this condition. Important: These are Affiliate links. Administer fluids and rehydration techniques which help to soften the mass in the intestines. My sister in laws guinea pigs much preferred this hay though.

We will help you do whatever we can to make the bond a success. If you increase the space too quickly you risk breaking the bond.

It might be helpful to mention that sometimes GI Stasis is misdiagnosed as hairballs by a vet. At night, they would share a 6ft double hutch, having access to only half of the hutch each to prevent fighting. $20 per day for one bunny or a bonded pair. Fly strike (Myiasis) is predominantly caused by the green bottle fly (Lucilia sericata) and related fly species which lay eggs on living rabbits. Other foods to feed your rabbit: Pellets, Fresh & Dried Produce, It's all very well feeding your rabbit the right food, but what are the wrong ones? Food matter in an immobile gut may also ferment causing a gas build up and resultant pain for the rabbit. If bonding looks possible, we recommend boarding your bunnies at SaveABunny, which is neutral space, for a minimum of 3 days at $60 per day. Cost Single rabbit: $55/day Pairs: $60/day Trios: $65/day If you are boarding for a month and need a discounted rate, please contact us. Some may be planted in pots to sit on top of outdoor hutches or near runs, whilst others may be dried and hung in the home, or the rabbit shed.

You want to be on the lookout for actively aggressive rabbit body language. This is when your rabbit is put in a pen with another rabbit.

Our boarding is home-style, so drop-off and pick-up times are typically between 9 am and 1 pm. Or, you may bring food of your own choice. The green bottle flies are attracted to damp fur, urine, faeces or the odour of rabbit scent glands. This reserves your spot. Not all rabbits have compatible personalities, and its impossible to predict who your rabbit will easily get along with if they havent been introduced. Even more confusing, every bonding is different so there is no set of rules you can follow that will 100% lead you to success. This will allow the rabbits to develop a friendship without the instinct to defend their space. Wait 2-4 weeks after the surgery before attempting introductions. Carry them around. It is very important to try to end every session on a high note. But in the end if you stick with it, youll have a happy pair of bonded rabbits. The boarding area is cleaned daily and bunnies are checked on several times per day.

Rabbits that have fly strike will also often need antibiotics to prevent infection. If that doesnt work see if you can spend a few days at a friend or family members house. When the rabbits return home, they will be in a settled bond that will allow them to comfortably and safely live together in the same environment. But also as a rabbit lover I have decided to learn a lot more about their behaviour and wellbeing. My rabbits love meadow hay so much, if you have a bag, they will bite a hole in it to get to the hay. Once you feel they have bonded, you can test them. WebWe can help you bond your rabbit, so that they lead happier lives and are more content and less prone to depression or loneliness. You may even find that your rabbit is more friendly and outgoing once bonded with a companion. Rabbits are social animals that benefit from living in pairs or groups. Some people tend to think that rabbit pellets are the main meal and hay is a type of bedding or just an extra nibble. Rabbit Boarding & Bunny Bonding 5 star Luxury Pet Service, 1 Portnalls Rise , Coulsdon Surrey United Kingdom CR5 3DA. It is tempting to move too quickly. You can use a tabletop, being careful to block off the edges to prevent your rabbits from falling. If you are new to bonding rabbits, the whole idea of it can feel overwhelming. If you do have a reservation for an unneutered/unspayed bunny, please. Rabbits that have been in a fight are much more difficult to bond because now they have negative memories of each other. You do not need to have adopted your rabbits from us, as these services are available to all rabbit owners. All of the information out there can seem confusing and contradictory. WebBunnyLove Bonding. There are two types of foods on the market, the luxury kind and the plain kind. It includes some top tips & we hope it helps others.

If neither of these options are available, you'll be looking at doing the bonding at your home.

Unfortunately we cannot eliminate flies from the rabbits environment and therefore we should keep a watch full eye over the rabbit, especially during the summer months. As a vet nurse Iv had a lot of training in animal medicine, care and welfare.

However, there are other reasons that you may want to give up or at least take a break for a few months before trying again. I believe the luxury stuff to be unhealthy for rabbits. The symptoms are no fecal pellets/droppings or very few compared to the amount your rabbit usually produces. She helps to socialize the rabbits and educate volunteers on the care and behavior of these small mammals. professional bunny bonding service based in Surrey. Match-making and Bunny bonding services We love to help bunnies fall in love.

Use vinegar to help get rid of any scents your rabbit might recognize. Alternatively, if you find a place and technique that works for your bunnies, then stick with it, and keep it up for longer than you think you need to. We only try bondings between bunnies of the opposite sex, and only between a pair of bunnies (never a trio or more). The only time I would say to give up and stop trying to bond them is if the rabbits have actually hurt each other in a fight. Please do this today. Bring both rabbits into the room; you will need to be right in there with them at all times. Your bunny will be housed in a double x-pen (4 by 6), fed high quality pellets, fresh greens, and unlimited hay. Regular old white vinegar is a great scent neutralizer that can be mixed with an equal amount of water to create an all purpose cleaner that also gets rid of odors. Effective December 15, 2020, all rabbits boarding at SaveABunny must be vaccinated forRHDV2at least 10 days prior to arrival. As well as the initial face-to-face session, we are happy to continue to provide support to you by email, social media or telephone too.

Rabbit bonding and behaviour service. Move out of sight, but not out of ear range, for short amounts of time until you are certain they will behave nicely towards one another. The two brands that I use when buying food for my rabbit areOxbowandSmall Pet Select. Fly strike is a distressing and potentially fatal condition which can be prevented by a few simple measures. I have a diploma in Rabbit care, welfare and behaviour, I also have a certificate in Rabbit training.

Bonding Support Consultation 0.00 Book Now Rabbit Bonding Support Consultations Flies will strike any healthy animal, but generally those that have a wet and dirty groin area are most at risk. Our popular Bonding Bootcamp services offers an effective alternative for those struggling to get the bond to work at home. or indeed deadly silent ? This is especially important when working in small spaces or long periods of time. Rabbit food is very different in that you only need to feed a little bit due to the high nutrient content. Carry them around. Youll also leave treats and piles of leafy greens around so that the rabbits can see this as a fun playtime. You can also close off your rabbits access to part of the home (such as a bathroom) and do a deep clean of the area. Fly traps catch many flies but not all.

We study and analyse your rabbits behaviour to use the best method for them and assess things case by case. Plants and foods that are toxic to rabbits, No rabbit food on the market is a complete diet. They may also be unusally very small. Just like humans, rabbits need to choose their own friends.

If you have adopted from Fat Fluffs or we have started the bonding of your bunnies for you then the above will be covered but you will still have the responsibility of bringing them home and making sure they are happy and settled. A rabbits diet must be very high in fibre.

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